September through to November

The vein-mapped, drug-
Strengthened hand of nostalgia yanks
My heart from my head, down through the lungs, the bowels
The quadriceps, until it settles firmly,
In my left foot. A body wracked.
It’s weight overthrown. By a moment’s
Thought, a second’s sigh, a
Familiar-looking stranger.

The golden sign of foreigness, melts.
Delight giving way to boredom, to routine.
A poem wraps itself around my organs,
Puppet strings of false and
Imagined emotions,
That bolster my frame, my mind,
With coca-cola

The hand stretches, flexes, relaxes.


Musings of a wanna-be English Lit, Law Student

At the core of it I love people. I’m fascinated by them. I love the imperfectness of our species. In law we look at cases that didn’t work, where for some reason or another a judgement wasn’t straightforward – the deviation from the norm. There wasn’t a yes or no, you are wrong, you are right, you are going to jail, you are liable for this or that. It’s the absurd cases where the plaintiff is convinced he’s a martian and the CIA is withholding the records to prove his martianness. The human fallibility to the ludicrous, and the divergent. The vivacity of the human character lies in our complexity. Law attempts to make rules that govern that and is as a consequence even more complex: full of overlapping rules and rights, and contradictions. Laws rarely fit a given circumstance. People are too interesting for that, too amorphous to be confined.


I want no greater home than the world, and no stronger heart than my own

There’s a kind of ever-present strangeness that hangs around you when you move countries. It’s the jolt you get when you walk outside only to be slapped in the face with cold, not-so-pleasant smelling London air. It has the odd potential to make you either thrive or wither, the careful balance between watering a plant too little and watering it too much.

I’ve somehow always been a person that is neither here nor there, never completely present in what’s going on, but nor have I have been so entrenched in the evergreen grass on the other side that I couldn’t focus. Stranger still is that moving countries has solidified that as a trait, cemented it into genetics until I consciously choose to readdress it, amend it, adapt. Living in London my head is somehow always by beach, but if I were to go home now, my life would be here – my friends, my degree, the foreseeable future of my life. By complete luck I’ve been hurdled into a life that suits me perfectly, that allows me to slow down, to realise it doesn’t all have to be done now, I have possibilities, I have something I never truly felt despite all the nourishment of the ocean: peace. Peace in myself, peace in where I am, and peace in where I’m going.


Holy Maca

I just discovered maca hot chocolates, and god daayyyum they’re good. It’s one of those things you can’t explain. Like how telephones work. They just do, and its good, it helps you communicate. Maca is good, it doesn’t really help you communicate, if anything it makes me want to sit in bed all day drinking maca hot chocolates and shut myself off from the rest of the world because they don’t understand the goodness. I’m no nutritionist but I can tell you it tastes damn good, and it gives you a whole lot of energy that’s not just the fake-ass-energetic-sugar-high-and-you-gonna-crash-soon kind of energy. It doesn’t taste super rich, and that suits me perfectly because I don’t like overly rich hot chocolates, but if you do like it super rich then add some more cacao in it and make it rich to your liking (you can also add in honey if you want, but I try to stay away from sugar – even unrefined sugar). I bought a maca and cacao hot chocolate mix from my local health food store, but check out The Holistic Ingredient for a real good recipe.

Also go here for nutritiony chemically stuff as I am no nutritionist but she knows her shit.


A Lullaby

File this day away with other bad days,
With the nights impermeable to sleep
Where the nightmares knocked their
Branches at the window. Pass it onto bureaucrats,
Let the pedants pick at the scabs: the syllables misspoken,
The trip ups, and the stubbed toes.
Let them wonder about reactions and repercussions,

Curl under the duvet,
Rest your head, dust off the remnants of
Sadness from your eyelids, and sleep.